Lasting Power of Attorney – LPA

Putting someone you trust in charge of your affairs.
Just in case you can’t do it yourself.

You’d think that if you were unwell, your spouse or family
could make decisions on your behalf. Not so!!

We all hope that “bad stuff” won’t happen to us…but sometimes it DOES! If you suffer a stroke, coma or are involved in a bad accident then the Doctors would make choices about your care and the government will make decisions about your finances.
These will rarely align with your wishes.
This can be incredibly frustrating and upsetting for your family and friends who will be trying to support you in your time of need but they are not legally allowed to make decisions on your behalf.
The only way you can protect yourself and them from this nightmare is to have LPAs (Lasting Power of Attorney) in place for your health and finances. Allowing your trusted loved ones to make the choices for you that are in your best interest.
We know that planning for the worst is very low on many peoples TO DO list but we have seen the pain and anguish caused when the unexpected happens to the loved ones, as they literally are not allowed to help.
We make the process easy for you to appoint your trusted family & friends as your lasting power of attorney. SO you can get on with life knowing you’re in good hands whatever happens.

Lasting Power of Attorney Kingsbridge Wills

What is an LPA? – Lasting Power of Attorney

The Lasting Power of Attorney or LPA, is a legal document which ensures that, in the event of your incapacitation (such as being hospitalised following a stroke, or similar), decisions about your finances and health can be administered as per your wishes by a loved one or a trusted friend or professional advisor.

Without such legal documents, even your spouse or family can’t make decisions on your behalf. It’ll be down to your bank and the NHS. And whilst the NHS are fabulous, wouldn’t you rather you had someone who REALLY knew your wishes involved?

It’s best to have two LPAs, one for “Health” and one for “Wealth” or your finances.

When do I need an LPA? – Lasting Power of Attorney

LPAs are essential when someone is in their more senior years. A fall, heart attack or dementia are more likely as we get older. Taking action regarding LPAs before you really need them is a wise move. Sadly, too many suffer from dementia without having LPAs; at this point it’s just too late. Those with advanced dementia are not able to register an LPA as they are not deemed to be able to access all their faculties.

Not so ‘Fun Facts’ on why LPAs are so important.

Approx. 100,000 people suffer from a stroke every year in the UK. The incidence of stroke increases significantly with age, however over 60% of strokes happen to people under the age of 70 and 16% happen to those under the age of 50.

In the UK, one in eight men and one in 14 women die from coronary heart disease. CHD kills more than twice as many women in the UK as breast cancer – it even kills more women prematurely (before their 75th birthday). Around 25,000 people under the age of 75 in the UK die from CHD each year. There are more than 30,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the UK each year, with a survival rate of less than 1 in 10.


How to protect your assets

Contact Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorney, Trusts & Estate Planning Enfield

1. Lets have a Quick Chat

We can understand where you are, what you need to protect & if we are a good fit.
Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorney, Trusts & Estate Planning Enfield

2. Make a Will to Protect your Assets

We will create a bespoke Will to ensure your wishes are followed. While recommending any tax efficient ways to pass on your assets.
Experts in Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorney, Trusts & Estate Planning Enfield

3. Relax & Get on with Life.

Knowing that if the worst happened you have all your affairs in order for your loved ones.

Home visits are usually available during evenings and weekends to fit in with your schedule.

Why Choose Kingsbridge Wills, Trusts & Estate planning


Our clients’ interests are at the heart of everything we do. By regularly attending courses and taking exams in wills, trusts and LPAs, we ensure that we are up to date with the latest legislation and tax efficient strategies.


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Frequently Asked Questions about Will Writing